Wednesday, November 3, 2010

5 Proven Reasons For Giving Your Child a Doll of Your Culture for Identity. It May be One the Best Gifts

Multicultural dolls speaks for themselves, they carry their own identity among ethnic groups and opens the door to multiple choice of dolls in the market places. They may be designed and made to bear the true identity of people of ethnic background in their psyche, facial structure, skin tone and hair texture. It is a traditional pattern that dolls reflect upon people and race.

Multicultural Dolls Appeal:

The introduction of multicultural dolls has been one of the greatest issues debated amongst groups and doll makers who were only focused on the traditional one dominant color of dolls. The appeal of multicultural dolls is very significant to people of different culture in our civilize world today, in fact people look to find what they want and are convince they should have. The word "multicultural" has become a more friendlier word to accept recently as it differentiate the vast mixture of cultural practices, in people coming together from different parts of the globe in business as well as marital relationships. Dolls made similar to people's culture definitely will identify and appeal to them.

Multicultural Dolls and Children:

Children learn about color very early even before they are able to speak they identify with colors. However we describe a child's nationality it should be just as easy to describe the dolls they play with to identify with them. Children have very little or no choice, they are totally dependent on the decisions of their guardian or parents, the choices we made for them are what they will be confined to until they are able to make decisions for themselves, by then we will have made them into what we want. Children do ask questions about themselves and the things and people in their surroundings.

Multicultural Dolls Review:

Almost two years ago I had the opportunity of answering the question posed by a student who was working on a project for and he publicly posted his question looking for answers "why black children prefer white dolls over black dolls" in this particular incident I learned it was a couple of four year old children who were being interviewed and the conclusion was made. Anyone of us might have reacted similarly as those children, supposedly they were given the option to choose for the first time between two dolls of different colors, of course they only knew the doll which has always been the prevalent color doll globally, it is natural that any child would choose the one they have been accustomed to seeing over that which is just being introduced irrespective of it bearing resemblance of the child in color if it were not designed with lovable features and poorly presented it is bound to be a rejection.

In Response to the Question of Black Dolls V White I Quoted:

"One of the main reasons black girls may show a preference to white dolls is simple, black dolls were rarely promoted or never promoted a tall. Like images of black children were seldom seen on posters anywhere, not on book covers or in children readers, not in daycare or places where a stage would be set to promote the self esteem of the black child.
The pictures painted of black people have not been good so it became easy for the average black child to want what they see the most around them being accepted.

It has to do with the message sent to the minds of young children, if taught to accept themselves they will understand their values. Black dolls are the most beautiful among dolls when created to reflect the black in the true sense.

People who do not like blacks are less likely to promote black dolls, neither will they do a good job making black dolls; recently heads begin to turn in the direction of the black doll market since more ethnic parents are becoming civilize to the fact that they need to instill these values in their children with the toys they introduce to them, they need to embrace their true identity for who they are in oppose to a myth of someone else’s identity". The world is a multicultural place and we cannot evade it.

Needless to say black dolls are not the only dolls in question in the market places, parents and children of other races share the same common concern some have publicly voice their concern in gathered information while surveying them. The Italians, Mexicans, Hispanic Orientals, Indians, are now coming out in support of multicultural dolls. Lucilda Evans
Multicultural Dolls


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